We all want to look our best when it comes to our body. You want to feel proud of your curves and be able to show them off next swimsuit season. And while getting your dream body can largely be achieved through a regimen or exercise and nutrition, sometimes you need an extra boost to get exactly what you want. If you’re wondering whether a Scultptra butt lift is the right option for you, here’s everything you need to know.
What is a Sculptra butt lift?
The Sculptra butt lift is a cosmetic procedure that can enhance the space and curve of your buttocks using derma fillers. It’s a non-invasive procedure making it a popular alternative to surgery as it’s far simpler and easier to recover from. Like many fillers, it uses butt injections to add volume and shape the area in whatever way you want.
How does it work?
Unlike most dermal fillers, Sculptra sets itself apart by using poly-L-lactic acid in its derma layers. While most fillers simply add volume, poly-L-lactic acid promotes the natural production of collagen by kickstarting it’s mechanism. The result is a far more natural lift that better compliments your body’s natural shape. It’s also worth noting that the collagen will remain even after the treatment is completed.
Because the Sculptra butt lift promotes natural collagen production it provides a more natural looking result. It is also far cheaper and far safer than surgical alternatives like implants. Recovery is also much easier meaning you won’t be out of action recovering for weeks making it one of the best non-surgical butt treatments out there.
Procedure for a Sculptra butt lift
Once you are at the appointment, you will be laid flat on your stomach and the injection site will be sterilized with alcohol. In some cases you will also receive an anesthetic. Then you will be injected with the sculptra filler in your buttocks and gluteal area.
Recovery and aftercare
Because the procedure is very minimally invasive, recovery is typically very straightforward. In fact you can largely go about your regular day immediately after the procedure. The only things you may need to be careful about are strenuous exercise and avoiding alcohol for 24 hours after the procedure.
The results of the procedure won’t occur overnight and will take between up to 12 months to take full effect. After a period of 3-5 years, the collagen will be absorbed by the body, so if you want longer term results, you will need touch up appointments.
Preparing for the procedure
Before the procedure, there are a few instructions that you will need to follow to ensure the Sculptra butt lift can proceed.
You need to avoid taking any blood thinners for 2 weeks prior to you appointment, avoid smoking and avoid drinking any alcohol for at least 48 hours before the appointment. It’s important that you follow these instructions to avoid any potential complications.
If you’re looking to enhance your shape without complicated surgeries or expensive implants, then the Sculptra butt lift may just be for you. It’s a procedure that promotes the healthy production of natural collagen and gives an natural yet distinct look.
Glow is one of the top providers for Sculptra injections in the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles County, located in Encino! Take advantage of our free physical consultation with one of our experienced board-certified practitioners, and get a customized treatment plan based on your goals and areas of concern. Call us or complete our online contact form to get started today!