Sculptra is an aesthetic medical treatment that uses Poly-L-lactic acid to restore volume to your butt. It’s a non-surgical option for people seeking a butt lift, and it has proven to be quite effective. According to Healthline, most clients who receive Sculptra treatments are happy with the results. Still, the effectiveness of any cosmetic procedure depends …
How Many Sculptra Treatments Are Needed for a Butt Lift?
At Glow Aesthetic Center, we believe that everyone’s body and beauty goals are different, so their treatment plans should be, too. We create customized Sculptra non-surgical butt lift plans for each patient, so there is no set limit for how many treatments are needed. However, a general rule is that a patient wishing to achieve …
How Many Vials of Sculptra Do You Need for a Butt Lift?
There is no single answer to how many vials of Sculptra you’ll need to achieve your non-surgical butt lift. This depends on several factors, including your age as well as the gap between the current curvature of your buttocks and the desired curvature you’re after. However, one general rule used by many in the dermatological …
How Quickly Does Sculptra Work?
After you get your first Sculptra non-surgical butt lift treatment, you can start to see the initial results in about eight to 12 weeks, on average. Sculptra is a poly L lactic acid injection that works as a “collagen seed” to spur the growth of new collagen in your body. Though Sculptra can be used on …
What Should You Not Do After a Sculptra Treatment?
Sculptra has revolutionized cosmetic treatments with its non-surgical butt lift. A simple injection of collagen “seeds” that get the body to naturally increase your butt’s volume, Sculptra has helped many patients develop the body (and booty) of their dreams. One commonly asked question is what to avoid after your Sculptra session. When you come in …